
Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2020; 2(52): 38-52
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2020.02.038
УДК [639.3.043:636.087.73]:639.371.52

Productive and reproductive parameters of carp when adding amaranth seeds to fish feed

R. Palamarchuk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
O. Deren, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
S. Koba, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv

Purpose. Study of the effect of amaranth feed additive on the peculiarities of growth, development, feed efficiency and economic component when rearing age-1+ carp; as well as the reproductive performance of female carp based on an analysis of its nutritional and biologically active properties.

Methodology. Two experiments were conducted in which the effect of feeding of age-1+ and female carp with seeds of Ukrainian high-yielding forage amaranth with biologically active properties "Kharkiv-1" on physiological and productive parameters was analyzed. Carp were fed with granulated compound feed with a protein content of 23%, which was additionally supplemented with ground amaranth seeds by granulation method in the amount of 10% to replace the cereal component, pre-subjected to heat treatment. Piscicultural, breeding, hydrochemical and hydro-biological studies were carried out according to conventional aquaculture methods.

Findings. The main hydrochemical parameters were found to be within piscicultural standards. Development of phyto-, zooplankton and zoobenthos on average for the season both in terms of quantity and biomass practically did not differ in both ponds.

When determining the efficiency of the use of ground amaranth seeds in the feeding of age-1+ carp during the growing season, an improvement in piscicultural parameters was found. In particular, the average weight of fish caught at the end of the growing season in the study group was 10.5%, respectively, the fish productivity was 12.2% higher than in the control, and the feed cost was 10.3% lower. Taking into account the cost of fish seeds and the cost of feed growing, an additional income 9.3% was obtained.

It has been found that the addition of amaranth to the diet of female carp during pre-spawning retention positively affects the production of eggs, their fertilizing capacity, and the viability of larvae obtained. Accordingly, an increase in relative working fertility by 3.4%, the percentage of fertilization of eggs by 3%, and the yield of 3-day larvae by 6.7% in the experimental group were observed.

Originality. During the study, based on the analysis of the nutritional and biologically active properties of amaranth, for the first time its effect on the productive performance of age-1+ carp and the reproductive parameters of female carp was studied, as well as the effectiveness of its use in the diet.

Practical value. Finding feed components with high protein content and suitable for introduction in natural environment of Ukraine is topical and necessary to meet the needs of fish industry. Accordingly, the study of the efficiency of introducing amaranth into the diets of different age groups of carp will have a positive effect on growth, survival and reproductive performance, and will also reduce feed costs.

Key words: amaranth, carp, productivity, reproductive performance, feed costs, survival, efficiency.


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