1. Electronic version of the article sent by e-mail. Files should be named with the first author’s surname with the specification of information.

E.g., P. Sahaidachny, article.doc; P. Sahaidachny, information.doc; P. Sahaidachny, diagrams.xls; P. Sahaidachny, figures.jpg; etc.

2. Information on authors should be provided on a separate page (in Ukrainian and English) and should contain: full name; scientific degree, academic title; place of employment (study), position; contact e-mail and postal address with zip code; contact phone number of each author.

Download form Information about the authors

3. Consent for publication and personal data disclosure (signed and scanned copy).

Download form consent for publication


Українська мова English
Назва Title
Ініціали та прізвище автора, його e-mail, повна назва установи роботи, місто  Author’s initials and surname, e-mail, full name of the place of employment, city
Анотація, ключові слова Summary, key words
Анотація, ключові слова Summary, key words
Постановка проблеми та аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій Problem statement and analysis of last achievements and publications
Виділення невирішених раніше частин загальної проблеми. Мета роботи Highlight of the earlier unresolved parts of the general problem. Aim of the study
Матеріали та методи Materials and methods
Результати досліджень та їх обговорення Study results and their discussion
Висновки та перспективи подальшого розвитку Conclusion and perspectives of further development
Література Bibliography
References References

The provided structure of the article meets the requirements of the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Certifying Commission of Ukraine № 7-05/1 of 15.01.2003 "On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the list of SCC of Ukraine".

For a review article, the writing structure can be simplified and consist of 6 parts:  abstract, "Problem statement. Aim of the study", "Analysis of last achievements and publications", "Conclusion and perspectives of further development", "Bibliography", "References".


Should fulfil a function of a source of information independent of the article and allow understanding its general content. Follow the summary structure:

Українська мова English
Мета Purpose
Методика Methodology
Результати Findings
Наукова новизна Originality
Практична значимість Practical Value
Ключові слова Keywords

The abstract in English must be at least 2,000 printed characters (with spaces) and no more than 3,000 printed characters (with spaces).


Manuscripts in MS WORD format. Main text in Times New Roman font, 14 pt font size, 1.5 space interval. For summary, references, figures, and tables: font – Times New Roman, 12 pt font size, interval – 1. Paragraph indention – 1 cm.

Page fields should be: upper and lower – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm.

Length of experimental articles should be 10 – 20 pages, review articles – 15 – 30 pages. Pages of the manuscript should be numbered.

Tables, figures, and diagrams should be created using black and white gamma in A4 format and additionally should be submitted in files as they were created (*.doc, *.jpg, *.xls). No background fillings and frames are allowed in diagrams, and background fillings in tables.  No empty cells are allowed in tables. Titles of tables, figures and diagrams, as well as captions in them must be duplicated in English.

All summaries, key words, Latin names of biological objects should be in italics.


Should be formatted according to requirements of the SAC according to 8302: 2015 DSTU "Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of drafting", taking into account the amendments (code UKND 01.140.40). The list of references should contain not fewer than 10 references, of which not more than 30% should be those where the authors are the authors of the article. References in the main text should be in square brackets with indication of the ordinal number of the quoted paper in accordance with the reference list. The reference list should be arranged in the order of reference appearance in the text. References should be provided in their original language.

Prohibition of the use of scientific works of the occupying country
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list publications published after 2014 in the aggressor's state; written by a citizen of the aggressor's state / a legal entity registered in the aggressor's state.
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list papers published in russia and belarus after 2014.

A reference list in the Roman characters in APA style should be included (References). The list of references should be transliterated or translated into English.


According to the regulation of the Cabinet Council of Ukraine of 27.01.2010 №55 “On harmonization of Ukrainian alphabet transliteration into Roman characters”.

Transliteration of Ukrainian language can be done on the web site

No need to transliterate languages written in Roman characters.

Example of designing article

Example of designing an experimental article (UA)

Example of designing an experimental article (EN)

Example of a review article