Placing of our journal in the international scientometric bases, repositories and search engines
Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed information, including scientist profiles, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland, and operated by Index Copernicus International. The database, named after Nicolaus Copernicus (who triggered the Copernican Revolution), has several assessment tools to track the impact of scientific works and publications, individual scientists, or research institutions. In addition to the productivity aspects, IC also offers the traditional abstracting and indexing of scientific publications. |
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – directory dealer a free (complimentary) access to full texts of scientific peer-reviewed open access journals in different fields of knowledge. DOAJ database included 9953 journal from 120 countries. Total number of articles in DOAJ is currently exceeds 1 million 174 thousand. Some magazines have the opportunity to line-item search. As an search criteria can be used by journal title, article title, ISSN, name of the author, keywords, or words from the annotations. It is also possible to simultaneous search all of the above criteria and the search for a logical combination of two search terms. DOAJ is founder of the University of Lund in Sweden. |
DOI (The Digital Object Identifier) ― embedded link code that allows to find any publication in any resource regardless of the language the primary link, the article clearly indicates the location of the Internet, provides constant and reliable connection between the publications. It is a hyperlink (the path to publication) is established and is independent of changes publisher names or hosting edition: DOI using the search engine is one step to get to necessary publication. PILA association is a nonprofit institution that carries activities of CrossRef ― agencies that provide digital IDs for scientific production. PILA membership is open to publishers of scientific literature and professional content. They should ensure the existence (presence in the electronic space) metadata for each of the stated objects, which obtained a digital ID DOI (ie on singled publisher piece of content). | |
Database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory of American publishing Bowker, is the largest database that describes the world flow of serial (periodicals and continuing) publications (popular and scientific journals) in all subject areas of life. It contains descriptions of nearly 300 thousand serial publications, of which more than 200 thousand — рublication published today. Ulrich's Directory was first published in 1932. You can search by keyword, ISSN, on the topic, the exact title of the journal, by keyword in the title of the journal. Are available links to other databases, making it possible to view the contents of the logs. | |
ResearchBib ( is a free academic database that indexes and provides open access to peer-reviewed journals, full text papers, research conferences & positions. ResearchBib is the largest database of journals that are freely available online.The Journal Database contains 420356 journals from different publishers. |
ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO. Launched as a beta version on 16th December 2013, ROAD will be developped during 2014 (extension of the coverage, additional features...).ROAD provides a free access to a subset of the ISSN Register (1,7 millions of bibliographic records, available on subscription, see This subset comprises bibliographic records which describe scholarly resources in Open Access which have been assigned an ISSN by the ISSN Network : journals, conference proceedings and academic repositories. ROAD records are also downloadable as a MARC XML dump and will be available as RDF triples in 2014. |
Google Scholar is a free (complimentary) accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers, plus scholarly books and other non-peer reviewed journals. Google Scholar allows users to search for digital or physical copies of articles, whether online or in libraries. It indexes full-text journal articles, technical reports, preprints, theses, books, and other documents, including selected web-pages that are deemed to be «scholarly». Research has shown that Google Scholar puts high weight especially on citation counts and words included in a document's title. As a consequence the first search results are often highly cited articles. | |
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine it is the largest library of Ukraine, сhief scientific information center of the state. Ranked among the top ten national libraries of the world. Network information resources of the Library include: collection «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine» (0.5 million articles from 1.7 thousand journals), electronic texts (80 thou. documents, including 60 thou. abstracts of dissertations), analysis (4 thou. bulletins and analytical reviews) catalogs and filing (3,5 mln. bibliographic records and 5 mln. cardsgeneral alphabetical catalog); abstract database «Ukrainika scientific» (400 thou. items). In the internet environment ismore, then700 thou. рublications. | |
ResearchGate is a scientific portal & social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and answer questions, and find collaborators. It contains web applications, including semantic search (resume search), file sharing, shared use of the publication base, forums, methodological discussions, groups, etc. Users can create their own personal blog within the network. Since May 2011, ResearchGate has collected more than 1,400,000 scientists from 192 countries. Among other tools, ResearchGate develops a semantic search engine that searches for internal resources and main external databases, such as PubMed, CiteSeer, arXiv, NASA Library, etc., to find scientific articles. | |
EuroPub (United Kingdom) is a comprehensive, multipurpose database covering scholarly literature, with indexed records from active, authoritative journals, and indexes articles from journals all over the world. The result is an exhaustive database that assists research in every field. Easy access to a vast database at one place, reduces searching and data reviewing time considerably and helps authors in preparing new articles to a great extent. EuroPub aims at increasing the visibility of open access scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. | |
«Ukrainian Scientific Journals» it is a specialized resource for authors and editors. It was developed by initiative group of scientists, journal editors and librarians in order to create an open E-register of all scientific publications in Ukraine to improve themselves and the media of publication of culture in general. The resource provides an opportunity to the search for scientific publications in specific categories, contains sections on scientometrics and copyright regulations for the dissertations, instructions for creating and adjusting profiles in databases and social networks of scientists. | |
Scilit is a database of scientific papers developed and maintained by the open access publishing house MDPI. It is a complete free database for scientists using a new method of matching data and indexing scientific materials. Scilit scanners pull the latest data from CrossRef and PubMed daily. This means that newly published articles are added to Scilit immediately. |
Sherpa / Romeo is a database that collects information on publishing ethics and publishing policies. Sherpa / Romeo is part of the Sherpa Services based at the University of Nottingham and has collaborated with many international partners, including Scopus, who contribute to the development and maintenance of the service. |
Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) - an electronic journal library offers fast, structured and unified access to the full text of scientific journals. The EZB contains 89,598 titles, including 18,253 original electronic journals, across all disciplines. 56413 journals are in the public domain. EZB is a cooperative service of 619 libraries from Germany, supported by the University Library in Regensburg. |
The Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) is a search engine and scientific citations database that comes from all publications using CrossRef's Cited-by service and supports the Open Citation Initiative. The OUCI system is designed to simplify the search for scientific publications, to draw the attention of editors to the problem of the completeness and quality of metadata of Ukrainian scientific publications. |
WorldCat is the world's largest bibliographic database, with over 240 million records of all types of works in 470 languages of the world (as of 2011). The base is created jointly by more than 72,000 libraries from 171 countries of the world within the framework of the OCLC organization. |