ISSUE № 4/2011 (18)
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I. Buzevich
Results of herbivorous fish introduction into dnieper reservoirs
M. Maksimenko
Quantity and composition of recreational fishermen in the Kakhovka reservoir
Z. Stecyuk, A. Melnik, N. Mikhaylenko
Ecological state of the kiev reserve on gidrochemical indexes after flood of 2010
N. Chuzhma, A. Bazayeva, M. Khyzhnyak
The development of phyto- and zooplankton of rearing ponds in their fertilization of vermicompost and “Riverm”
A. Kovalchuk
Ciliate of fish ponds of Kyiv region. II. Demersal plankton
L. Bulli
Features of lipid composition of mature mullet (stiped mullet Mugil cephalus, grey mullet Liza aurata and pacific mullet Liza haematocheilus) eggs in the Azov-Black sea basin
N. Yakovenko, E. Ovander, V. Trokhymets, Yu. Gromova, O. Pashkova, L. Guleikova
Annotated checklist of monogonont rotifers belonging to the superorder Gnesiotrocha (Rotifera: Eurotatoria, Monogononta, Gnesiotrocha). Part IIІ
E. Fedonenko, N. Yesipova, O. Marenkov
The Current status of fish resources in the Zaporozhian water reservoir
D. Ivanov
Maintenance of aquatic resources and cleaning of flows of coastal complexes by introduction on fish-breeder plants of options of the reserved water-supply
Yu. Zheltov, O. Oleksijenko
Growing the fish material of carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the ponds and nurse ponds in two stages
J. Gryb, O. Shandruk, M. Borbat
The calculation of the carp (Cyprinidae) fish density in polyculture
V. Konchic, A. Vusava
Technological parameters of funds for larvae Lena sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) artificial feeding in the Republic of Belarus
V. Konchits, R. Mamedov, A. Savonchik
Morphometric indicators as gender classification criterion of Lena sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) replacement — spawning school within one generation
N. Kolesnik
Influence of facilities of intensification on contamination of ponds by heavy metals
V. Bekh, I. Hrytsynyak
The scaleless common carp — analysis of the main results of the researches and selection
T. Nagornyuk, O. Oleksienko, S. Tarasjuk
Genetic and exterior peculiarities of ukrainian scaled and framed carps of antoninsky-zozulenets type
S. Kras, O. Zaloilo, A. Mariutsa, S. Tarasjuk
Use of ISSR-PCR of method for genotyping population of Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus)
K. Metalnikova
Comparative characteristic of the gametogenesis of the hatcheries of juvenile chinook salmons (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) before the release in natural environment in the three different years
N. Smirnyuk, V. Chernik, I. Burak
Current state of per capita fish supply in Ukraine
G. Кotovs’ka, D. Khrystenko
Organization of the commercial fishering by the most widely used fishing nets with different mesh pitches in Kremenchuk reservoir
I. Kireeva, D. Kuzmenko
Analysis of change of specific composition of ikhtiofauni of middle flow Ros'