Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2019; 4(50): 95-108
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2019.04.095
УДК [639.3.043.13:636.087.8] : 639.371.52
Productive indices of age-2 carp after application of a prebiotic in their feeding
O. Dobryanska,
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, Lviv Research Station of the Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS of Ukraine, Velykyj Lubin
O. Deren,
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, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
T. Hryhorenko,
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, Institute of Fisheries of the NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Purpose. To investigate the efficiency of the supplementation of the basic diet of age-3 carp with the prebiotic "Actigen" in pond conditions. To provide control over the aquatic environment conditions, to determine the effect of the tested supplement on the fish productivity of the experimental ponds and feed costs for fish cultivation.
Methodology. Experimental studies were conducted at the fish farm “Karpatskiy Vodograi” LLC of the Pustomyty district of Lviv region under the conditions of similar ponds with one source of water supply. Ponds were stocked with scaly carp yearlings with an average weight of 55 - 58 g, at a stocking density of 1000 fish/ha. The control group of fish was fed with a balanced compound feed, while three experimental groups were supplemented with 0.025% “Actigen” by granulation using the granulation method (Experiment 1); 0.05% (Experiment 2) and 0.075% (Experiment 3). The duration of the study was 60 days. Hydrochemical, hydrobiological and oxygen regimes of the aquatic environment were monitored during the growing season. Hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies were conducted according to the methods described by Alyokin O. A, Zhadin V. I. and Krazhan S. A.
Findings. Satisfactory conditions for carp cultivation were ensured during the growing season. The main parameters of the chemical composition of pond water were in accordance with the fishery standards, there were no peculiarities of changes in these parameters depending on the composition of fish diet. The dissolved oxygen concentration in water ranged from 3.8 to 8.8 mg/dm3. Quantitative development of zooplankton during the growing season was characterized by average parameters. The total number of zooplankton in the ponds ranged from 26.0 to 426.0 thousand ind./m3, and the biomass - from 2.20 to 11.19 g/m3.
It was found that the use of the prebiotic Aktiben prebiotic for feeding age-2 carp at the rate of 0.05%, 0.025% and 0.075% had a positive effect on the fish productivity in the experimental ponds: the average fish weight exceeded the values of the control group by 6.3%, 21.3% and 1.3%, respectively. fish productivity increased by 10.0%, 31.0% and 1.2%. In the same time, the feed costs for carp cultivation decreased by 1.1 (0.025% of the supplement) and 1.3 times (0.05% of the supplement) relative to control.
Originality. For the first time, the effect of the prebiotic action of "Actigen" was investigated, when it was introduced into the basic diet of age-2 carp on productive indices and feed costs.
Practical value. The obtained results indicate the feasibility of using Actigen in aquaculture and the prospect of further studies of its effect on the physiological and biochemical parameters of fish body.
Key word: prebiotic, Aktigen, carp, fish productivity, feed costs, hydrochemical regime, hydrobiological regime.
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