Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2018; 2(44): 130-136
DOI: 10.15407/fsu2018.02.130
УДК: 597-1.05:[639.371.52:639.3.032](477)
Physiological-biochemical evaluation of cross-bred carps of the first generation from crossing Antoninsko-Zozulenets and Lubin intrabreed types of Ukrainian framed breed
B. Grishyn,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
I. Hrytsyniak,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
I. Osoba,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
Purpose. To characterize some physiological-biochemical peculiarities of cross-bred carp of the first generation from crossing Antoninsko-Zozulenets and Lubin intrabreed types of Ukrainian framed breed. To establish the peculiarities of protein metabolism in the organism of the studied carp groups.
Methodology. Classical biochemical methods of the determination of protein concentration and ratios of its fractions in tissues were used for the study.
Findings. Peculiarities of protein metabolism in the organism of cross-bred carp of the first generation from crossing Antoninsko-Zozulenets and Lubin intrabreed types of Ukrainian framed breed were demonstrated. In particular, data on protein content in skeletal muscle tissues and hepatopancreas of the studied fish groups were provided.
Scientific novelty. An analysis of protein metabolism in the organism of cross-bred carp of the first generation from crossing Antoninsko-Zozulenets and Lubin intrabreed types of Ukrainian framed breed was performed for the first time.
Practical value. Protein metabolism defines physiological-biochemical homeostasis of fish organism in a significant degree. Therefore, protein concentration in tissues as well as the ratio of some protein fractions play an important role in the evaluation of biological peculiarities of the examined carp groups and reflect the functioning of major metabolic systems in fish organism.
Key words:рhysiological-biochemical evaluation, protein metabolism, carp, hybridization, skeletal muscles, hepatopancreas.
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