
Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2018; 1(43): 54-64
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2018.01.054  
УДК 639.3.043.13:636.087.7

Physiological justification for using an unconventional method for processing raw material in aquaculture

O. Honcharova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro
N. Tushnytska, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv

Purpose. To study the influence of Spirulina рlatensis, which was previously treated by a non-traditional method, on physiological and biochemical processes in the organism of hydrobionts. To analyze the growth rate of Ukrainian scaly carp and tilapia under the influence of the feeding factor.

Methodology. Experimental studies were carried out in the laboratory of biological resources and aquaculture. Following was performed during the experiments: clinical examination of hydrobionts, control of growth rates, survival rate by recording the results in a working journal, physiological studies, analysis of morphological and functional blood indices, which were performed according to generally accepted methods.

Findings. It was found that the proposed method of non-traditional processing of feed resource for hydrobionts promoted the activation of metabolic processes, contributed to the improvement of fish development indices. During the process of cultivation of Spirulina рlatensis, the use of plasma-chemically activated water had a positive effect on the dynamics of development.

Originality. This article presents for the first time the results of a positive effect of the pretreatment of Spirulina platensis culture with plasma-chemically activated water for its feeding to hydrobionts. A positive effect of this method of feeding on the functional status of fish organism and the process of adaptation-compensatory mechanisms in ontogenesis has been found.

Practical value. The proposed method will provide an opportunity to improve the rate of the development of hydrobionts, physiological and biochemical processes with the maximum utilization of the potential of fish organism at the stages of active growth, and also to reduce the cost of artificial feeds.

Keywords: feed factor, processing with plasma-chemically activated water, hydrobionts, growth rate in ontogenesis, functional status of organism.


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