Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2017; 2(40): 99-113
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2017.02.099
UDC 621.59:[597-146.31:639.371.2]
Development of cryoprotective media for low-temperature freezing of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) sperm
I. Kononenko, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Purpose. To develop the optimum composition of a cryoprotective solution for freezing sterlet sperm with the use of new and standard constituents and compare the results of the fertilization of eggs with sperm frozen by different ways and in different media. To analyze the results of keeping sterlet males in simulated conditions of natural spawning and to assess the quality of sexual products obtained during early spawning periods in comparison with natural ones.
Methodology. The tasks set for the optimization of cryoprotective media for freezing sterlet sperm were solved according to generally accepted cryobiology methods and in accordance with Kopyeyka Ye. F. recommendations. The works with brооd sterlet were conducted in accordance with the generally accepted methods of sturgeon breeding and recommendations for natural spawning modeling.
Findings. The studies demonstrated a positive effect of creatine, the introduction of which into the solution allowed increasing the cryoprotection of sperm from damaging factors of cryopreservation. During low-temperature freezing of sperm by different ways, the best results were obtained when freezing sperm in samples of smallest volume — granules that was evidenced by the number of live thawed spermatozoa, fertilization rates of eggs and the number of developing embryos. The simulation of the conditions of natural spawning allowed obtaining high-quality sexual products from sterlet males earlier in comparison with natural spawning periods, freezing them and fertilizing eggs after several weeks of storage.
Originality. Among a variety of substances used in cryobiology for the optimization of the composition of protective solutions, positive results were tested and obtained with the use of creatine. Optimization of the cryopreservation solution composition was carried out using sterlet sperm obtained at early spawning terms compared to the natural ones.
Practical value. The obtained results can be used in the conditions of hatcheries for obtaining sterlet offspring both for market and for the restoration of their populations in natural water bodies. In addition, the obtained results are the basis for further studies on the development of optimum composition of cryoprotective media for freezing sterlet sperm.
Keywords: sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), simulated conditions of natural spawning, pre-spawning group, spermatozoa, methanol, creatine.
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