Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2016; 3(37): 111-122
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2016.03.122
УДК 577.115:639.215.2:591.543.42


S. Sysolyatin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv 

Purpose. Establish and compare the content of the total lipids in the liver, skeletal muscle, gill and brain pond carp active life condition and under artificial hibernation carbon.

Methodology. The experiments were conducted on the Ukrainian scaly carp breed (Cyprinus caprio L.) weighing 250–270 g. To conduct research to form two groups (control — 5 copies of the fish and an experimental — each point hypobiosis exposure to 5 copies of the fish). Introduction of fish hypobiotically state conducted for the use of a patented model artificial hibernation. The selection of material performed by opening the first and second fish group on the 3, 6 and 24 hours of exposure, then it is frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Lipid extraction after homogenization of brain tissue, liver, skeletal muscle and gills was performed according to Folch. The content of the total lipids (from the weight of the dry residue) after extraction was determined using the gravimetric method. The separation into individual lipid fractions were determined thin layer chromatography by plates "Silufol". Quantitative determination of total phospholipids — hydroxamate method; cholesterol — colorimetric method with three ferric chlorides. All the results are treated variation-statistical method using the Student's t-tests.

Findings. These results suggest that the content of total lipids, phospholipids and cholesterol in the tissues of the carp pond in the active state of life is significantly different.
The content of the total lipids in the liver, skeletal muscle, gill and brain in a carp pond introducing carbon dioxide into a state of artificial hibernation (hypercapnic hypoxia-medium) is reduced in comparison with the control. Under these conditions, noted a slight increase in tissue phospholipids, as well as a significant increase in cholesterol and the coefficient (CL/PL), especially in the liver, indicating that the use of lipids in energy and adaptation processes.

Originality. Lipid composition studied liver, skeletal muscle, gill and brain carp active life condition and carbon dioxide under artificial hibernation. The content of the total lipids in the tissues of the research carp throughout the exposition of artificial hibernation carbon dioxide decreases, indicating that the use of lipids in energy processes. The growth of the content of phospholipids and cholesterol in the tissues of the carp in the conditions of artificial hibernation carbon dioxide leads to the development of adaptive adaptation of organisms to the environment.

Practical value. The results make it possible to assess the redistribution of lipids in fish tissue of the body due to changes in environmental conditions (artificial carbon hibernation).

Keywords: carp, artificial carbon hibernation, lipids, phospholipids, cholesterol.


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