Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2014; 3(29): 80-87
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2014.03.080
УДК 574.3: 579.26
O. Gulay,
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, The Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management, NAAS, Kyiv
O. Zhukorskyi,
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, NAAS, Kyiv
Purpose. To investigate the effect of cutaneous secretions of Cyprinidae fish on the populations of pathogenic bacteria Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.
Methodology. Pieces of filter paper were placed on the skin of live fish. After a 1 min. exposure, they were removed and placed in glass tubes for the extraction of water-soluble components. Tap water was used as a solvent (previously settled for 48 hours); 0,1 cm3 of water were needed for 1 cm2 area of the filter paper. After extraction, the aqueous solution of fish cutaneous secretions was sterilized by filtering it through filters with pore diameter <0,2 µm. The test was carried out with cultures of E. rhusiopathiae bacteria, which were incubated on heart-brain broth at a temperature of +36,7 ± 0,3 °С for 48-hours. After adding the sterilized tap water and cultures of E. rhusiopathiae bacteria, test samples contained fish cutaneous secretions at following ratios: 1:10, 1:100, 1:1000, 1:10000. As a control, sterilized tap water and E. rhusiopathiae bacteria at ratios similar to test samples were used. In 48 hours, samples were taken from the specimens cultured at a temperature of +18...+20 °С for determination of cell density in E. rhusiopathiae populations.
Findings. Aquatic environment, which contains the secretions of skin glands of certain Cyprinidae species, creates favorable conditions for the reproduction and increase in the density of pathogenic E. rhusiopathiae populations. In the conditions of freshwater ecosystems, direct topical biocenotical and trophic relations may be created between pathogenic E. rhusiopathiae bacteria and the studied fish species (рrussian carp Carassius auratus gibelio and wild carp Cyprinus).
Originality. For the first time we obtained the quantitative data that demonstrate a stimulating effect of cutaneous secretions of certain fish species on pathogenic E. rhusiopathiae populations.
Practical value. The stimulating effect of cutaneous secretions of some Cyprinidae species on pathogenic E. rhusiopathiae populations indicates one of possible directions of long-term persistence of these infectious agents in hydrobiocenoses. The revealed environmental aspects of the existence of pathogenic E. rhusiopathiae bacteria in freshwater ecosystems should be taken into consideration while planning and implementing measures aimed at preventing the erysipelas disease.
Keywords: рrussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio), wild carp (Cyprinus), cutaneous secretions, pathogenic bacteria (Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae), stimulating effect, environmental relations.
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