Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2014; 2(28): 46-54
DOI: https://doi.org//10.15407/fsu2014.02.046
УДК 639.3.04:597.55 (477.7)
V. Kovalenko,
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, National University of life and environmental sciences, Kyiv
Ju. Volichenko,
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, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson
I. Sherman,
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, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson
Purpose. Trying to develop ways to optimize and reasonable prediction of growing planting material.
Methodology. The study based on theoretical, experimental and laboratory methods adopted in the fishery, physico-chemical and hydrobiological studies.
Findings. Studies have shown that we used calculations allow us to determine the optimal threshold stocking density of individual species to grow. The use of regression equations that take into account mineral and organic fertilizers, planting density planting material, makes it possible to predict fish productivity with satisfactory accuracy.
Originality. The analysis of influence of the level of technological components and environmental factors on fish production nursery ponds.
Practical Value. The results can be used to optimize the stocking densities and forecasting fish production nursery ponds for the given soil-climatic zones.
Key words: fish production, rearing ponds, optimization, forecasting, correlation, regression equations.
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