Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2014; 2(28): 14-21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2014.02.014
УДК 639.311.053.1:556.114 (447)
A. Dobrjanska,
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, Lviv research station of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS, v. Velikyi Liubin
А. Melnik,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
B. Syariy,
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, Lviv research station of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS, v. Velikyi Liubin
M. Korilyak,
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, Lviv research station of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS, v. Velikyi Liubin
Purpose. Study of the ecological state of aquaculture ponds of the Lviv fish farms “Rudnyky” and “Derzhiv” for creation of optimum conditions for fish growing in ponds.
Methodology. Growing of fish in the fish farm “Rudnyky” were conducted in the summer brood fish pond №12 of 4.2 ha area. The pond was stocked with yearlings of Lubin scaled and framed carps with an average weight of 83.3 g and stocking density of 1428 fish/ha. In the fish farm “Derzhiv”, growing of fish was conducted in the pond №1 of 4.2 ha area. The pond was stocked with fish larvae with stocking density of 18000 fish/ha. Determination of hydrochemical parameters was conducted using generally accepted analytical chemical methods. Quantitative determination of heavy metal content in water and bottom sediments was conducted by direct absorption in propane-butane flame with the aid of the absorption spectrophotometer C-115 M1.
Findings. As a result of the conducted studies, we determined the pollution level of aquaculture ponds in the Lviv fish farms. Main hydrochemical indices, which characterize quality of water pond, meet norms for fish farming. All studied heavy metals in pond water of “Rudnyky” fish farm were at higher concentrations compared to those in the fish farm “Derzhiv”. Bottom sediments are characterized by a tendency of increasing nickel concentrations in both examined fish farms, values of which exceeded the maximum acceptable concentration. In the order of an increase of heavy metal content in bottom sediments, they can be ranged as Fe-Mn-Zn-Cd-Pb-Co-Cu-Ni.
Originality. The ecological state of aquaculture ponds of the Lviv fish farms “Rudnyky” and “Derzhiv” has been investigated for the first time.
Practical value. The obtained results of the ecological state of aquaculture ponds allow creating optimum conditions for growing of fish.
Key words: hydrochemical regime, heavy metals, bottom sediments.
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