Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2013; 4(26): 97-108
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2013.04.097
УДК 636.087.7
M. Korylyak, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kуiv
Purpose. Influence of various factors on the quality of animal products encourages the search for new alternative methods to increase productivity. It is therefore important to study dietary supplements of plant origin, which are characterized by a wide range of action, low toxicity, high content of biologically active substances and a positive effect on the immune system. Currently, milk thistle, which is one of the most studied herbal medicines in hematology, is widely used in medicine. An interest to this plant, the seeds of which contains about 200 different active components and products created on the basis, is growing. A rare biologically active substance – silymarin was found in milk thistle fruits. It is due to the content of silymarin that is provides exceptional therapeutic effect. Preparations from the seeds of milk thistle have hepatoprotective, deintoksichny, inflammatory, hemostatic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and other properties that normalize hepatic function, biliary tracts, spleen and other organs under pathological conditions.
Methods. The object of research was milk thistle, material for research - data on its impact on different animal species, particularly their physiology and biochemistry. Also in the study we used normative reference data, specific surveys, the information data from the Internet and so on.
Findings. The use of drugs of milk thistle in veterinary and animal science confirms the mechanism of action of this medicinal plant, which has a positive effect on performance providing 100 % yield, increasing daily weight gain, prophylactic and general health (especially that of the digestive system), relieves the stress, which is important for obtaining high-quality products.
Originality. Milk thistle does not grow on natural conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, therefore, for obtaining herbal raw material, it should ne purposefully cultivated. Recently milk thistle actively began to be grown in gardens, grounds and fields of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine as a medicinal plant.
Practical Value. Based on unique pharmacological properties and nutritional value of milk thistle, relevant and appropriate is its further studies and application in aquaculture.
Keywords: milk thistle, silymarin, liver, hepatoprotector, immunomodulator, animals.
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