Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2020; 2(52): 78-85
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2020.02.078
УДК 639.3.043:[338.45:639.371.2]
Economic efficiency of growing early juveniles of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt & Ratzeburg, 1833) with the introduction in the diet inactivated baker's yeast
M. Simon,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
Н. Kurinenko,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
N. Kolesnik,
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, Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
Purpose.To determine the main parameters of economic efficiency of the use of inactivated baker's yeast as a biologically active additive in the diet of early juveniles of Russian sturgeon.
Methodology.The calculations were carried out according to generally accepted methods for economic studies. For economic analysis, we used the actual parameters of economic activity in current industrial aquaculture of Ukraine with the use of RAS, as well as prices for 2015-2016 on relevant materials, products and means of production.
Findings. The economic efficiency of introducing 5% and 15% (by weight of the main feed) inactivated baker's yeast into the diet of early juvenile Russian sturgeon grown in the RAS has been established. These concentrations allow achieving more than 70% profitability and reducing the prime cost of onefish to 1.72-1.74 UAH, thereby ensuring high, as compared with other options for feeding, parameters as net (372.96 UAH and 366.86 UAH ) and attributable profit (873.0 UAH and 876.0 UAH).
Originality.For the first time, the parameters of economic efficiency of introducing 4 (5%, 10%, 15%, 40% of the weight of the main feed) concentrations of inactivated baker's yeast into the diet of juvenile Russian sturgeon for 28 days, from 25 to 53 days after hatching were analyzed.
Practical Value. The study results have both theoretical and practical importance and can be used in further studies aimed at optimizing the cultivation of juvenile sturgeons in RAS and adjusting existing feeding schemes on fish farms.
Keywords: economic efficiency, juvenile fish, fish feeding, RAS, Russian sturgeon, baker's yeast
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