Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2013; 4(26): 50-59
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2013.04.050
УДК 597-15: [597-135+597-151.1]



M. Alexeenko, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , SRC Institute of Biology of the KNU T. Shevchenko, Kiev
N. Kolesnik, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
М. Simon, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv

Purpose. Environmental - faunal studies of juvenile fish in the littoral zone of the reservoir, study of changes in species composition and behavior of juvenile fish depending on various environmental factors.

Methodology. An integrated monitoring studies of spatial - temporal distribution of juvenile fish were performed within 14 research stations of the Kiev reservoir, according to the methodological developments of V. Trohimtsya. The material was collected with a juvenile fish beach seine of 4 m long and 1 m high and "ACT" traps. Species were identified using a fish guide specially developed for the analysis of Dnieper River species composition. Material processing was performed in the field and in laboratory conditions according to generally accepted methods. The similarity of the species lists of various stations was determined by Jaccard’s indexes.

Findings. Dominant and rare representatives of the littoral fish fauna of the Kanev reservoir have been determined. The effect of vegetation density degree and depth on the spatial - temporal distribution of juvenile fish in the different periods of the year has been found. The relationship between the depth of the "AST" traps and fish fry catch has been found. It is shown that in the morning fry moved to the shore in search of food (53.8 %), and at night it actively moved away from the shore (44,4 %) that was associated with a decrease of water temperature in the littoral zone.

Originality. The relationship between the spatial and temporal distribution and species composition of the juvenile fish of the littoral zone of the Kanev Reservoir has been investigated taking into account the effect of dominating species on habitats, in the dynamics during three years.

Practical value. The conducted studies give an idea about peculiarities of species composition and spatial - temporal distribution of juvenile fish in the littoral zone of the Kanev reservoir. The results allow predicting further changes in fish abundance and future catches.

Keywords: species composition, distribution, juvenile fish, "AST" trap, littoral habitat, Jaccard’s index, Kanev Reservoir.


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