UDC 595.18 (477)



E. Ovander, The National Museum of Natural History at the NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
N. Yakovenko, The I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
V. Trokhymets, The T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Yu. Gromova, Institute of hydrobiology NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
O. Pashkova, Institute of hydrobiology NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
L. Guleikova, Institute of hydrobiology NAAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

A checklist of monogonont rotifers belonging to the Order Ploima found in Ukraine is completed on the base of literature and authors’ data. Its first part includes 342 species-level taxa belonging to 41 genera and 11 families (Notommatidae, Ituridae, Scaridiidae, Trichocercidae, Gastropodidae, Synchaetidae, Lindiidae, Dicranophoridae, Asplanchnidae, Microcodidae, Lecanidae); the list of localities and habitats for each species along with modern synonymy and notes on species taxo- nomy is also provided.

1. Березина Н.А. Практикум по гидробиологии. — М.: Агропромиздат, 1989. — 208 с.
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10. Степанов П. Фауна Вейсова озера // Труды Общ. испытат. природы при Харьковском ун-те. — 1885. — Вып. 19. — С. 13–43.
11. Трохимець В.М., Алексієнко В.Р., Серебряков В.В. Методика вивчення розподілу і поведінки зоопланктону та молоді риб у прибережній зоні водойм // Вісник Київського університету (Біологія). — 2001. — № 34. — С. 23–26.
12. De Smet W.H. Rotifera, Vol. 4. The Proalidae (Monogononta). Guides to the identification of the microinvertebrates of the continental waters of the world, 9. — Amsterdam: SPB Academic Pub- lishing BV, 1996. — 102 p.
13. De Smet W.H., Pourriot R. Rotifera, Vol. 5. The Dicranophoridae and the Ituridae (Monogononta).
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14. De Smet W.H. Rotifera, Vol. 6. Family Microcodidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886. Guides to the Identi- fication of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World 12. — Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing BV, 2002. — 223 p.
15. Koste W. Rotatoria: Die Radertiere Mitteleuropas, Begrün-det Von Max Voigt. 2nd Edn., Vol. 673. — Berlin, Stuttgart: Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1987. — 476 s.
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17. Nogrady T., Segers H. Rotifera vol. 6: Asplanchnidae, Gastropodidae, Lindiidae, Microcodidae, Synchaetidae, Trochosphaeridae and Filinia. Guide to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of to the Continental Waters of the World. Guides to the Identification of the Microinvertebrates of the Continental Waters of the World 12. — Backhuys Publishers, 2002. — 264 p.
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21. Voigt M. Rotatoria: Die Rädertiere Mitteleuropas. — Berlin: Nikolassee, 1956–1957. — 508 s.