
Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2020; 2(52): 86-96
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2020.02.086
УДК 639.3.043.2:639.371.52

Productive and economic efficiency of rearing table carp with the use of non-traditional feed additives

O. Baturevych, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv
T. Bersan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv

Purpose. To establish the efficiency of the use of such minerals assaponite, analcime and bentonite used as feed additives in the main diet of age-1+ carp on their majorfeatures and the economic component of their cultivation in ponds.

Methodology.The experimental works were carried out in the conditions of ponds of the State Enterprise ExperimentalFarm "Nyvka" of the Institute of Fisheries of NAAS during the growing period of 2018. The object of the study were age-1+carp of Nyvka scaly intrabreed type. The study included three experimental and control groups of fish and was conducted in analogous ponds with an area of ​​0.5 ha each. The diet of fish of the first experimental group ws supplemented with 3% of saponite, the diet of fish of the second experimental group was supplemented with 3% of analcime, and the diet of fish of the third experimental group was supplemented with 2% of bentonite. The control group of fish was fed with a balanced feed, without additives. Hydrochemical and fish farming studies were carried out according to generally accepted methods.

Findings.The study demonstrated that majorhydrochemical parameters during the growing period were within normal limits, but there was an increase in the level of permanganate oxidation of waterwith an increase in water temperature during the summer. However, the level of chlorides was slightly increased during the entire growingseason in the experimental and control ponds.

In the experimental variants, when supplanting the main diet of age-1+ carp with saponite, analcime and bentonite, the total fish productivity of ponds was higher by 0.7%, 13.4% and 3.5%, respectively, with a decrease in feed costs for cultivation compared to control. At the same time, the best survival rate of fish was 69.1% when fish were fed with the feed supplemented with bentonite, versus 64.2% in the control pond.

When analyzing the economic efficiency of the use of these minerals in the feeding of age-1+ carp, a 2% increase in profitability was observed as a result of the supplementation of fish diet with saponite, 16.4% after addinganalcime and 4.2% after adding bentonite compared to control.

As a result of comparative characteristics of the studied minerals, it should be noted that the most promising for use in the feeding of age-1+carp can be analtsim, given the highest rates of weight gain of fish, fish productivity of ponds and as well as the earned profit.

Originality.The efficiency of the use of such minerals as saponite, analcime and bentonite in the feeding of age-1+ carp as non-traditional feed additives was analyzed for the first time. A comparative assessment of their effects on the main fish features and economic parameters of cultivation was performed.

Practical value. Based on obtained positive results of the introduction of the studied minerals into the diet of carp, it is possible to increase fish growth and fish productivity of ponds. The low cost of these non-traditional additives leads to a positive economic effect in the process of fish cultivation. Accordingly, the use of saponite, analcime and bentonite in the conditions of commercial carp cultivation is justified and relevant.

Key words: age-1+ carp, saponite, analcime, bentonite, minerals of natural origin, fish productivity, economic efficiency.


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