Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2016; 4(38): 95-102
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2016.04.095
УДК 639.371.52:639.311.045.3"324"(1-924.51/.54)

pdf35Winter hardiness of galician carp fingerlings in pond conditions of Subcarpathia

V. Gurbyk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Kyiv

Purpose. The analysis and evaluation of wintering of galician carp fingerlings in pond conditions of Subcarpathia

Methodology. Study was conducted at the farm "Corop", located in Rawa-Ruska, Lviv region. The objects of research were fingerlings of Galician carp, growing under semi-intensive conditions. The main fish-breeding and biological indexes were examined during the autumn catches and after spring inventory using conventional fish farming methods. Determination of the biochemical composition of skeletal muscles was conducted under zootechnical analysis.

Findings. The weight of fingerlings of Galician carp during the wintering in ponds of fish-farm "Carp" was an average 104±7,5 g, nutritional ratio was at 3.1±0,3 while after the following winter it was 2.6±0,3. The biochemical composition of muscles in Galician carp was within legal parameters, confirming satisfactory physiological state of fish before winter maintenance.

Environmental conditions of winter incubation of fish corresponded to fish breeding requirements. Thermal regime of pond during the winter of Galician carp age 0+ was in the range 1°C–6°C. The quantity of dissolved oxygen also does not exceed the critical limits. Оther hydro-chemical parameters also correspond to the fisheries requirements. 

After inventory of wintering ponds the average weight of catched fingerlings was 92±7,7 g. The out of fish wintering was within 86%. The absolute weight loss at the end of the winter period was not exceeded 12 g, consequently the relative ratio was 11.5%.

From the obtained data, it could be concluded that the process of the wintering of Galician carp fingerlings, was carried with minimal losses for industrial breeding in general.

Originality. For the first time the Galician carp fingerlings were assessed for wintering in ponds of Subcarpathia.

Practical value. The results of current research will be used in planning and industrial breeding of Galician carp.

Keywords: Galician carp, seeding, wintering, the coefficient of fatness.


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