Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2015; 2(32): 20-30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2015.02.020
УДК 639.37:579.64:631.874



N. Tson’, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Lviv Research Station of the Institute of Fisheries NAAS, Velykyi Liubin

Purpose. To investigate the potential of zooplankton productivity in aquatic ecosystems under experimental conditions of the microcosms with the use of the green fertilizer (vetch-oat grass) and Ekovital.

Methodology. The study was conducted under the conditions of model ecosystems (microcosms) installed in fish-breeding ponds. We used a complex of intensification measures (enhancement, inoculation of vetch-oat seed mixture (1:1) with Ekovital at quantities of 1.4; 2.9; 4.3 ml/kg (variants D1, D2, D3), followed by sowing the pond beds with the vetch-oat mixture (1:1), growing of vetch-oat grass for the green fertilizer). The seeds were sown at a ratio of 70 kg of grains for 1 ha of ponds area. The first control variant (K1) — without green fertilizer and without preparation. The second control version (K2) vetch-oat seeds were soaked in the corresponding quantity of water without preparation and after they were sown on the pond bed. The preparation Ekovital contains specific nitrogen-fixing nodule Rhizobium leguminosarum and phosphorus mobilizing Bacillus megaterium-6 bacteria. Hydrochemical, hydrobiological, fisheries, and statistical studies were conducted according to standard methods.

Findings. It was found that the application of Ekovital in a combination with enhancement activities gives an opportunity to obtain a green fertilizer of up to 1.03 ± 0.08 t/ha during 40 days for increasing pond ecosystem productivity. The stimulation of zooplankton development gave an opportunity to obtain the maximum biomass of 9.85–31.78 g/m3 that was 4–16 times higher than in that in the control — 2.54–3.30 g/m3. The mean values of zooplankton biomass in the experiments were 4.30–9.17 g/m3, that was 3-9 times higher than those in the control — 1.06–1.40 g/m3. The experimental variants showed a tendency for increasing the share of cladoceran crustaceans. The production of zooplankton organisms was increased to 1834.8 kg/ha — the level of the most productive breeding ponds of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The potential of natural fish productivity of an aquatic ecosystem based on zooplankton when applying the green fertilizer (vetch-oat grass) and Ekovital showed a 3–7 time increase compared to the control. The maximum potential natural fish productivity based on zooplankton was achieved at the level of 152.90 ± 85.25 kg/ha in the variant D2.

Originality. For the first time we presented the results of the studies of zooplankton community productivity in fish-breeding ponds with the use of the green fertilizer of vetch-oat grass and bacterial preparation Ekovital under the conditions of model ponds ecosystems (microcosms).

Practical value. The received results are the basis for further studies on the use of a method for increasing natural fish productivity in fish-breeding ponds with the use of a green fertilizer such as vetch-oat grass and Ekovital.

Key words: green manure, zooplankton, Ekovital, natural forage, fish-breeding ponds, natural fish productivity.


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