Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2013; 3(25): 26-34
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fsu2013.03.026
УДК 556.114.6/7:639.311



N. Starkо, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Ukrainian scientific research Institute of ecological problems, Kharkov

Purpose. Establishing change the basic structural and functional characteristics of the sediments under the influence of waste going fish farming in tanks.

Methodology. Bottom sediment samples were collected using a 1 m of dirt tube (SOI-1), according to the standard requirements. Water-physical properties of sediments were investigated in accordance the recommendations of B. Novikov (1985) and A. Denisova et al. (1987). Determination of the gross content of organic matter carried by loss after calcining. Oxygen consumption in sediments was studied by the method V. І. Romanenko and V. A. Romanenko (1969). Determination of the amount of sediments, which are formed from waste fish farming, carried out in two different ways: by calculating the income from tanks suspended solids and by direct determination of the sediment under the tanks.

Findings. Was established that intensive fish farming waste flow predetermines a significant (up to 4) increase the organic matter content. Thus, even 2 years after the reduction of volumes of fish farming tanks and even remove volumetric mass of the skeleton to the initial values of deposits are not refundable. The concentration of organic substances in the zone of the tanks lines causes increased intake of dissolved oxygen, which leads to deterioration in gas mode, especially in the bottom layers of water and may cause suffocation situations. According to our research, the role of tanks lines in shaping total volume of sediment rather low (up to 2%), but their effect on the structural characteristics of sediments allows to evaluate the role of this activity in the overall balance of production-destruction processes as significant.

Originality. Was first quantified the role of fish farming in tanks on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sediments cooling ponds Zmievsk TPР and Kursk NPP.

Practical value. The results will be used in the development of water conservation measures in the integrated use of cooling ponds TPР and NPP.

Keywords: the basin - cooler, fish farming in tanks, sediments, oxygen regime.


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