Ribogospod. nauka Ukr., 2012; 1(19): 15-21
УДК 636.082.22



I. Reznykova-Galashevych, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Kyiv
A. Sheliov, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Kyiv
V. Spyrydonov, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Kyiv
P. Tabaka, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Kyiv
S. Melnychuk, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Kyiv
A. Andriushchenko, National university of bioresources and environmental management of Ukraine, Kyiv

Studied a population of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) using mtDNA markers. Analysis of the Cyt b gene region within the studied sample founded seven haplotypse differing in single nucleotide substitutions.


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